Sunday, January 10, 2010


So my friend Jen is a devoted Jazzercise gal. Even has a Jazzercise bumper sticker on her car. So when she invited me to a class, I said no. Then I said no again. And probably again. Not really my thing.

I picture old women in leg warmers and unitards. My husband says he pictures Richard Simmons and ''Sweatin' to the Oldies.''

One day I give in because the class coincides with Aubrey's cheerleading class. I have to be there anyway, so might as well pull on the leg warmers, right?

It kicked my butt. I thought I might die, pass out or throw up. Or all three. I looked around and the majority of the class is definitely older than me, but there are a few younger people. Mostly I found out that I am really, really out of shape. And that 70-year-old women are much more coordinated than me and in better shape.

So I went back a few more times. And then I realized I kind of liked it. The music is great and the instructors always mix it up so you're doing something different each time.

Now that I'm past 35, things are a bit different with my body. No more eating whatever I want and not paying the price, like in my 20s. Nope, after two kids and making sure the girls are eating right, I forgot about myself. Some days I swear I could pass for four months pregnant.

I need to lose a few pounds. And I'd really like to become more fit. Now I'm not going to go crazy. I really hate to exercise. I am never effective when I go to the gym, and honestly, I don't really want to go anyway.

So I joined Jazzercise and am making myself go to classes. Strangely enough, I think I am really enjoying it. There are still times when the entire class is going one way and I'm going another way or I just can't figure out a particular step. But it's fun, and if I happen to get in better shape, then I would be thrilled.

I haven't seen any leg warmers yet, but they do play the theme song to the ''Fame'' movie.

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